Aikido in Study
Although adults might practice Aikido to develop inner peace, relaxation, or self-defense, most children don’t even think about these concepts. So why is Aikido a good idea for children? Aikido teaches children calmness. Of course, children shouldn’t be calm all the time. Aikido gives them the choice. If they need to sit still at school, or concentrate on homework, or focus during sport, Aikido shows them exactly how to do that. The techniques and ki testing we do teach them correct calmness. This is entirely different from keeping their emotions bottled up. Aikido calmness feels good.
Aikido helps children at school. By training, children develop calm, clear minds. As a result, they absorb knowledge easier, and think with greater clarity. Aikido is about developing the full human potential, and school is one of the most important places for this potential to be realized. Aikido teaches children practical self-defense. Aikido does not require athletic talent. In fact, athletic prowess can sometimes get in the way. Aikido works for little people, since it does not rely on size, or speed, or weight.
The key to making progress in Aikido is simply persevering and having a positive attitude. What better lesson can we teach our children? Some martial art instructors feel that “fun” does not belong in the dojo, because to study martial arts one must be dedicated and serious. However, for a child, any environment that promotes learning through laughter, imagery and games becomes a safe environment. This safe environment can enhance a child’s ability to learn and thus begin studying the more serious side of martial arts. Having fun, playing games, and using one’s imagination are part of growing up. Opportunities and permission to do all of these things allow children to take risks in a safe way. By exploring their limits, children can open new realms of understanding about themselves and the world in which they live.
Children have the ability to learn basic Aikido principles through exercises, games and techniques. children can become absorbed in an activity because it is fun and then receive additional benefits, such as an increased awareness of their surroundings and a better perception of the strengths and limitations of themselves and others. They have the opportunity to push themselves further, to explore their abilities, to assert themselves, to kokyu.giffocus their attention, to push themselves physically, emotionally and mentally beyond what they think they are capable of. Aikido teaches children “how to be strong” and how learning to stay calm and relaxed can be much stronger than things like anger, force and aggression. They learn about responsibility, doing the right thing, even without reward, about treating each other with respect and kindness. They also learn about things like bullying, or how to respond to verbal insults.
Aikido is training for the mind and body. Aikido is training for life. Aikido teaches children a lighter approach to life. A plodding serious approach to life doesn’t feel good. And it usually doesn’t yield the best possible results. Aikido works best when you relax and feel light. By learning this in practice, our children can’t help but apply this to their lives.
Aikido gives children a positive worldview. It teaches that in order to create something worthwhile, you must work in harmony with your environment and others. If your mind is correct, calm, and positive, you can make something good out of whatever the universe hands you.
Warriors of Peace
When you step across the threshold of a Aikido Goshinkai Dojo you enter the world of Aikido, the Art of Peace. Having its origins in the martial arts, Aikido was created by Master Morihei Ueshiba, for the purpose of joining the power of a martial artist with the intent of a peace-maker. ‘Ai’ which means Love or Harmony, manifests between human beings as Kindness, and upon this foundation the skills of Aikido are built. Its mission is to create people with the strength of character and the skill to manifest Kindness even in the face of overwhelming odds. To never be defeated. Thus, to have enroled your child in Aiki children is to have done their self-esteem a great service.
Aikido is a very deep art that has many facets and although Aiki children only serves as an introduction, it is still a high quality introduction. Behind the techniques of Aikido lie skills that come from Nature, yet are usually undeveloped in human beings. The Seven Mysteries, a collection of seven of these natural skills for aikichildren, are so called because as they develop they arise naturally and unforced, and seem to have no limit to their depth.
Aikido does not require athletic talent and does not rely on size or speed. It is more dependent upon the coordinated relationship between the mind and the body, and to achieve this, Calm and Focused Awareness become the main tools. As these develop they allow the aikidoka (aikido practitioner) to ‘blend’ with their opponent’s ki (energy) and then ‘lead’ their movement through an aikido technique.
Aikichildren will learn about: Calm in Action, Ki, and Blending.
Aikido is based upon movement that originates from the Tanden or Centre
( a dynamic point of focus in the lower belly ), and this understanding of movement can benefit all types of physical activity.
Aikikids will learn about: moving from Centre.
In the practice of Aikido it is necessary to know the subtle art of keeping safe distance between oneself and an aggressor. This is known as Ma’ai. It is also necessary to know the life-saving skills of Ki’ai and Ukemi. Ki’ai is a shout that originates in the Centre, filled with Ki, and can be employed either to call for help or to distract an attacker. Ukemi is the art of safe falling. We fall many times in our lives – from horses, bikes, skateboards, motorbikes, etc. Like swimming, ukemi is a lifeskill that can, and has on many occasions, saved people from very bad injuries and even death. Aikikids will learn about: Ma’ai, Ki’ai and Ukemi.
The secret to progress in Aikido is simply to persevere and to maintain a positive attitude. This, that is so simple, is profound in its effect upon personal development. And in Aikido the rewards, subtle as they are, are real and deep.
Aiki Kids discipline is self-disipline. It is not punishment, but is part of the training in Calm and Focus. A child’s misbehaviour in the dojo is neither the instructor’s problem nor the parent’s. It is the child’s problem, and a very simple and gentle process is employed to assist Self-Calming and Self-Focusing.
Aiki Kids instructors consist of men and women of all ages who voluntarily give of their time, their patience and their kindness to facilitate this training. Their greatest satisfaction is in seeing a child realize their own potential.
The dojo itself is not a public space but a private venue. Neither playground, classroom, nor loungeroom, it is a unique environment dedicated to specialised training in Calm and Focus.
Welcome !
You can grow into a Warrior of Peace. It is part of your training.
Anytime that a sensei feels your calm or focus has been lost, then he or she will simply send you to a Quiet Corner. They won’t give you a warning.
It’s then up to you to calm and focus yourself. It is not a sensei’s job to be a schoolteacher or a parent. Your behaviour is not their ‘problem’…it’s yours!!
Remember the dojo is not like school or home.
In the Quiet Corner you will sit quietly in seiza, facing away from the class, and focus on what the sensei has given you to do. After about five minutes, if you are ready, you will turn around and face the class again sending ki towards the sensei who sent you to the Quiet Corner.
You are young and you have great potential to do and be whatever you want.
So…be good and do good.
Even though there seem to be many rules when you first start, and even though learning the techniques may sometimes seem way too easy, and sometimes way too hard…don’t worry. Enjoy the calm of the dojo. Enjoy learning Aikido. Remember…
Every drop of Kindness added to the world
by you…
is part of the Upliftment of all living things.
So be happy to train and grow into a warrior……of Peace.
‘Be calm when you’re moving , and super-aware when you’re still !!’
‘Always be aware of Ki when training!!’
‘Move from your Centre, extending Ki.’
‘IRIMI ( Enter! ) and TENKAN ( Turn! ) !!’
‘Keep Safe Distance between uke and nage !!’
‘Shout from your Centre, full of Ki !!’
‘Practice the Art of Safe Falling!!’
Aikido is a Budo art – the way of the warrior
The 7 folds in the Hakama (5 in the front, 2 in the back) have the following symbolic meaning:
- Jin 仁 : benevolence
- Gi 義 : honor or justice
- Rei 礼 : courtesy and etiquette
- Chi 智 : wisdom, intelligence
- Shin 信 : sincerity
- Chu 忠 : loyalty
- Koh 孝 : piety
Dojo Etiquette
Aiki Kids and Adult Etiquette –
UKE and NAGE – Partners cooperating together in training
A dojo, or training hall, is neither a sports venue (having no spectators) nor a school. It is a unique environment where Calm and Focused Awareness are developed through training in martial technique. It is a refuge from the outside world, that should be mentally ‘left behind’ as you enter.
Training requires both calm and focus, and a quiet, focused environment is the desired ambience of the dojo. As Aikido has neither competition nor aggression an Aikido dojo is more peaceful than most.
Although initially some rules need to be learnt, dojo culture does not come from a set of rules but rather from the understanding of, and respect for, the goal of Aikido and the dedication of its practitioners.
Students must arrive early, allowing the class to start on time.
Students must wear shoes / tongs to the dojo door.
Tongs must be warn until the edge of the mat.
No lollies or sugary drinks should be consumed before class by those children who have a tendency to become sugar-hyperactive.
Student’s sores should be covered with an effective bandage or plaster.
Aikikids – training uniform
* The Aikikids badge should be sewn on the left chest of the gi.
* Your child’s first name may be written or embroidered in black one-centimetre lettering onto a white sew-on patch, and sewn-on high up on the left sleeve of the gi. Make sure it’s colour-fast!!
* Tying the gi belt should be practised at home as homework until successfully acquired.
* Please remove your shoes before entering the dojo, and place neatly outside.
* Tongs must be warn until the edge of the mat.
* No hats are to be worn inside the dojo.
Spectators, Parents and Guests –
* Spectators, Parents and guests (including children) cannot interact with the students during training. In some dojos parents are forbidden to attend……but not here.
* If you choose to stay and watch, please be quiet.
* Ensure your mobile phones are switched off in the dojo.
* No eating or drinking is permitted in the dojo.
All students – This is part of your training –
* Always arrive with plenty of time to change into your gi and sign in.
* Wear your shoes / tongs from the carpark to the dojo.
* Take off your shoes at the dojo door and leave neatly outside.
* Tongs need to warn until the edge of the mats.
* Bow towards kamiza when you enter through the dojo door.
* Go to the changeroom and change quickly.
* Go to the desk and check in.
* Bow towards kamiza before stepping onto the mat.
* You step out of your tongs onto the mat so your feet are clean.
* Sit quietly and wait for class to start.
* If you are late :
Wait off the mat for a sensei to signal that you may join the class.
Then bow and step onto the mat.
* Your gi should be clean.
* Boys / Men cannot wear T shirts under gis. Girls / Women wear a white t-shirt or singlet under their gi.
* No rings, watches or jewellery can be worn on the mat in training.
* Your body, especially your feet, must be clean before stepping onto the mat.
* Your fingers and toenails must be trimmed to avoid scratching your partners.
* If you have a sore, make sure it is covered with a bandage or plaster.
* Always bow towards kamiza when you enter and leave the dojo.
* Always bow towards kamiza before you step on and off the mat.
* Always bow towards kamiza when you take a weapon on and off the mat.
* Always bow to a training partner when you start and finish practising a technique with them.
* Always bow to a sensei to thank him or her for giving you personal instruction.
SEIZA ( kneeling position )
* Always sit in seiza and wait calmly if you are not doing techniques.
* Kneel down…on left knee first.
* Stand up…with right leg first.
* Do not run in the dojo, either on or off the mat.
* During class always ask a sensei if you want to leave the mat.
* All instructors are called sensei during class.
* Treat all senseis with respect at all times.
* Do not be lazy in training. Be calm and focused.
* Learn by focusing your attention and by practising intelligently. Never interrupt the class by calling out. If you have to ask a question, wait until the sensei’s attention is available.
* No eating or drinking is allowed in the dojo. Drinking is allowed only off the mat
* Always keep the dojo clean. Pick up any rubbish. There are rubbish bins in the change-rooms.
The dojo is a special place. It isn’t like school, work, home, or a playground or a sports field. It is a place to practice and enjoy CALM IN ACTION, which is Aikido. This requires Focused Awareness which is difficult to learn if its too noisy. Keeping quiet doesn’t mean tiptoeing around like a mouse. It means respecting the calm feeling in the dojo, and playing your part in keeping that feeling of calm. Relax and enjoy it !
The class should never be disturbed by arguing, gossiping, asking unnecessary questions or pushing and shoving.
Uke is the one who falls, and Nage is the one who throws. We all take turns as uke and nage. When it is our turn to be uke we must try to flow wherever nage is leading us. This is very important, because it helps nage to learn the feeling of correct technique. Ukes must flow with the techniques, get up quickly, and turn to face nage, fully alert, and ready to attack again.
Aikikids –
Aiki Discipline is NOT punishment. It is not meant to hurt you, embarass you, insult or reject you in any way. It is done with love and kindness, to help you learn how to calm and focus yourself, so that you can grow into a Warrior of Peace. It is part of your training.
Anytime that a sensei feels your calm or focus has been lost, then he or she will simply send you to a Quiet Corner. They won’t give you a warning.
It’s then up to you to calm and focus yourself. It is not a sensei’s job to be a schoolteacher or a parent. Your behaviour is not their ‘problem’…it’s yours!!
Remember the dojo is not like school or home.
In the Quiet Corner you will sit quietly in seiza, facing away from the class, and focus on what the sensei has given you to do. After about five minutes, if you are ready, you will turn around and face the class again sending ki towards the sensei who sent you to the Quiet Corner.
You are young and you have great potential to do and be whatever you want.
So…be good and do good.
To all students –
Even though there seem to be many rules when you first start, and even though learning the techniques may sometimes seem way too easy, and sometimes way too hard…don’t worry. Enjoy the calm of the dojo. Enjoy learning Aikido.
Remember… Every drop of Kindness added to the world by you… is part of the Upliftment of all living things.
So be happy to train and grow into a warrior…
… students of Peace.
Aikido ways to study and to learn
1. Watching – Eg An Aikido class, a Sensei teaching, other students, instructional videos.
2. Reading – Eg Websites, Books, Instruction material.
3. Discussion – Talking (outside of class) about Aikido.
4. Listening – Receiving instruction from a Sensei in an Aikido class.
5. Preforming Uke’s role – (Giving the Nage energy to practice with) Giving of Energy (Ki).
6. Preforming Nage’s role – (Doing techniques) Harmonising with Energy (Ki).
7. Shadow movement practice – including Kata and stepping through movements without partners. These movements lead into an early form of moving mediation. Eventally all our movements become a moving mediation.
8. Ki training – Mediation, Ki-ia, Ki Breathing.
– Ki tested – Receiving the Ki test.
– Ki testing – Giving the Ki test.
9. Visualising – Training within your mind.
10. Exercise your Beginners Mind – Continue to refocusing your practice into different principles.
11. Challenge your Fighting Mind – Be on guard for, and challenge your fighting mind.
11. Daily life – Applying Aikido principles in your daily life and noticing outcomes.
12. Attending Seminars.
13. Reverse Engineering – Teaching by preforming reverse engineering while doing the Uke’s role.
14. Giving instruction – only to be completed if asked to do so by your Class Sensei or you have been given a Class Sensei role.
15. Resistance Testing – It is only recommended for Senior Instructor level to do resistance testing.
16. Writing and documenting – Writing and creating of Aikido in Books / Websites / Videos.
17. Observing Nature – and applying Nature’s processes and movements.
18. Study of and application of “Universal Truths”.
By Mark Albrecht Sensei